State of the Webcomic
The following was originally a reddit post, so apologies for some weird terminology or wrong markup. I will fix it. Also, this will be updated regularly as the webcomic continues and things get resolved. See history for when things were changed or resolved.
As you know if you read my comments every day on this subreddit, I get pissed off if subplots or arcs are opened and never finished or resolved all the way.
Awhile back I made a comment detailing all of the open subplots open at the time.
I'm sorting by character:
- Billie
is depressed and an alcoholic.resolved! She's being forced by the medical staff to see a therapist now.- well no, not really. She's increasinly irritable and violent because she hasn't gone to therapy yet.
- is dating Ruth? What …
Reference: Appearances by Storyline
This blog is just a personal reference list for my upcoming project: Updating the character pages to be more like Billie and Ruth's Dumbing of Age categories - information by storyline. This will enhance all the character's articles by making them fuller and more detailed. As I go through previous storylines, I'll note who appears in them in this reference to make it easier to know which storylines should be included in each character's article. The old archives aren't exactly user friendly, tag wise, and I'm hoping this project will be finished before the new archives are done, so a lot of archive diving re-reading will be necessary. Additionally, I'm not a member of Slipshine or Patreon, so things like the Patreon extra strips will have …
New project!
Just so you guys know I'm going to try to categorize the thousand or so images on this site in order to transclude them onto articles better.
yay I'm back.
nobody has made any edits omg. it looks like the wiki died while I was gone. well, ima be uploading images and doing general maintenance but no article writing.
Alright gonna disappear for awhile.
exams are really coming up and to be honest I kind of edit wikis to relieve stress and procrastinate. In order to concentrate on studying I have to stop. I may be back after testing is over, which will be May 13th or so. In the meantime, I really hope this wiki stays alive.
Policy Proposals/My Personal To-Do List
This is a few proposals I've been thinking about for the wiki and also adding the list of things I want to do myself just so I remember it later. Feel free to ignore the To-Do List, feel free to comment on the policy ideas.
Because CR8 is awesome, he works fast. Some of these are probably also on his guidelines by the time I finish this, but so be it.
- NO PAID CONTENT EVER. LOOKING AT YOU, PEOPLE POSTING JOYCE & WALKY STRIPS. This is just straight up theft and shouldn't be allowed on wiki. While the links are on Patreon, you have to PAY to get onto his Patreon, so the rule stands. This goes for Patreon exclusive strips, Joyce & Walky paid strips, Slipshine, book exclusives (like Shortpacked 1.0), etc. Posting info from them onto the wiki is o…