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Fortress Ominous
Fortress ominous
First Appearance: Shortpacked! 12 November 2008

Fortress Ominous is a minor Shortpacked! character.

A 26-year-old virgin and "Asperger-y social outcast", Fortress spends most of his time writing sad, creepy self-insert fan fiction involving various fictitious women fawning over him. If you're lucky (read: standing within 10 feet of him at any given moment), he'll even tell you all about it.

If his fanfic is anything to go on, he still lives with his mother and enjoys identifying and cataloging military aircraft seen in children's cartoons. He also seems to have a serious thing for teen girl robots.


  • Modeled after Omnios, a much-loathed fixture on the Allspark message boards. Later took on traits of another much-loathed fixture on the Allspark message boards, Fortress Ironhold, leading to his official name being a warped hybridization of the two.
  • It can be assumed that "Fortress Ominous" is his online handle as opposed to his given name, but who knows?
  • At some point in the future, he apparently strikes it rich sexing up Skeleflex for lonely shut-ins.
  • Properties he's written fan fiction for include Avatar: The Legend of Korra, Grand Theft Auto V, Superman, and Boo Berry. Yes, the breakfast cereal.