- Abby, Gabby, and Tabby DeSanto
- Abductee
- Agatha Larsen
- Alan Rees
- Alex
- Alex (Dumbing of Age Female)
- Alice
- Alien Mech
- Aliens
- Amazed nerd
- Amazi-Girl
- Amber O'Malley
- Andy O'Brien
- Angie
- Anthony McHenry
- Anti-Head Alien
- Anti-Joyce
- April Fool's Day
- Arch
- Arnold
- Asher
- Asma Abbasi
- Astronaut Zombies
- Axis of Something
- B4
- Ball State Girl
- Barry
- Bart O'Ryan
- Beatrice
- Becky MacIntyre
- Beef
- Bermuda Triangle
- Bespectacled and vested girl
- Bing
- Blaine O'Malley
- Bloodrose
- Blowjob Cat
- Bobbi Rosenthal
- Bobby Walkerton
- Book 1
- Book 10
- Book 11
- Book 2
- Book 3
- Book 4
- Book 5
- Book 6
- Book 7
- Book 8
- Book 9
- Bookmarks
- Booster
- Brick Wagner
- Britjas
- Brock Doc
- Brody the Brony
- Bruce Tinsley
- Bryan
- Buckets of Blood Guy
- Bulmeria
- COAS Dean
- Carl Ramirez
- Carla Rutten
- Carly Spencer
- Carol Brown
- Catgirl robot that can play video games
- Cecilia Matz
- Chan
- Char
- Charles Walkerton
- Chastity Churchmouse
- Checkout mom
- Chicken man
- Chloe Bishara
- Clyde the Alien
- Coffeeright Theft
- Colin
- Conquest
- Consumer Protection Racket
- D.J. Wilcox
- D.J. Wilcox (Alternate)
- Daisy Conrad
- Dana Swensson
- Daniel
- Danny Wilcox
- Dargon Chesterfield
- Davan MacIntire
- David Powers
- David Walkerton
- David Willis
- Dawson
- Deborah Keener
- Derrick the Alien
- Dexter & Monkey Master
- Dick Lesse
- Dick P. Johnson
- Dina
- Dino Park
- Donna Mae Warner
- Dorm guy who offers help
- Dorothy Comix
- Dorothy Keener
- Drama Tag
- Drew
- Drunken Shaggy
- Dudes who won't pay attention to Billie
- Dumbing Day
- Dumbing of Age
- Dumbing of Age Class Schedule
- Dumbing of Age Timeline
- Dumbing of Og
- Duncan
- Dup-O-Matic
- Electric Man
- Emilie
- Enrique
- Eric
- Ethan Siegal
- Evan
- Falyn Snow
- Fans!
- Faz
- Fisher
- Fitz
- Fortress Ominous
- Fosterlager
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Fred H. Dinobot
- Fred the Alien
- Fredora
- Frieda
- Fuckface
- Future Kids
- Galasso
- Galasso's Pizza (and Subs)
- Geoffrey Nicholson
- George Warner
- Gerald
- Giant Mutant Frosted Honey Bun
- Gospel of Faz
- Grace
- Graham Weaver
- Grav Roulette
- Guns
- Hank Brown
- Harriet Warner
- Haruka Saruyama
- Head Alien
- Head Alien II
- Henry Calculusser
- Hilary
- Hooks
- Hooper
- Hot Wheels Guy
- Hourly Comics Day
- Hovertext
- Howard Lesse
- Hughes Assat
- Hymmel the Humming Hymnal
- Indiana University
- It's Pregnancy!
- It's Walky!
- It's Walky!: Resurrection
- Jacob
- Jake Manley
- Jason Atwood
- Jason Chesterfield
- Jason Golieb
- Jen Ulm
- Jennifer Billingsworth
- Jeremiah Keener
- Jeshua Ben Joseph
- Jetpack
- Jim
- Jocelyne Brown
- John
- John Gustavo
- John Walters
- Johnathan Frakes
- Jonathan Brown
- Joseph Rosenthal
- Joyce Brown
- Joyce and Walky!
- Kaitlin
- Karen Rosenthal
- Kate Mulgrew
- Katee Sackhoff
- Ken
- Knox Offerman
- LAWsome
- Lawrence
- Lee Funana
- Leland
- Leo
- Leslie Bean
- Linda Walkerton
- Lith
- Liz Clinton
- Lloyd
- Lucy
- Luke landrum
- Lyle
- Mack Barrass
- Maggie Willis
- Malaya
- Man in Black
- Mandy
- Manny
- Marcie
- Marcus
- Martha Walters
- Martian
- Martian Embassy
- Martian Mothership
- Martian Resurrection Chamber
- Mary Bradford
- Matt Rosenthal
- Max
- McAwesome's Parasailing and Chocolate Bakery
- Mel the Alien
- Melissa
- Meredith
- Middle schooler with glasses
- Mike Warner
- Miles
- Mind-wiper
- Monique
- Monkey Master
- Mr. DeSanto
- Mr. Guy
- Mr. Kangaroo
- Mr. McHenry
- Mr. Stone
- Mrs. Billingsworth
- Mrs. DeSanto
- Mrs. Dingo
- Mrs. McHenry
- Mrs. Piper
- Ms. Eables
- Muffy Diver
- Mullet McGee
- Nachitos
- Naomi Siegal
- Nathan
- Nigel
- Ninja Rick
- Pamela Galasso
- Penny
- Perry
- Peter Paul
- Phil
- Pluto 9571
- Ponytailed girl in glasses who isn't Billie
- Power Booster Rod
- Power Builder Color
- Professor Doc
- Professor Owen
- R.A.
- Rachel
- Rachel Jackson
- Rachel Moore
- Raidah
- Ralph Zinobop
- Randal Wilcox
- Randy Wilcox
- Rashida
- Recordicons
- Reno Snow
- Richard Rosenthal
- Riley
- Roadblock
- Rob, Jeff and Dylan
- Robin DeSanto
- Robo-Vac
- Ron Brooks
- Ronald Reagan
- Roomies!
- Rose
- Rosenthal Robotics
- Ross MacIntyre
- Roz DeSanto
- Ruth
- Ryan
- Ryan's new conquest
- Ryou Saruyama
- SEMMEcraft
- Sal Walkerton
- Sarah Clinton
- Sarah Palin
- Saul Siegal
- Sayid
- Schtickshift
- Science Team 3
- Sensitive Scanner
- Sharon Wilcox
- Shattered Glass Ravage
- Shortpacked!
- Shortpacked! (store)
- Sierra
- Singularikitty
- Sly Sirs!
- Soggies
- Some dude
- Spider-Car
- Squadron 128
- Squadron 135
- Squadron 253
- Squadron 283
- Squadron 33
- Squadron 37
- Squadron 42
- Squadron 48
- Squadron 76
- Squadron 82
- Squadron 98
- Stacy O'Malley
- Stan the Alien
- Stephen Wilcox
- Steve Richardson
- Steven
- Storylines (Dumbing of Age)
- Storylines (It's Walky!)
- Storylines (Joyce and Walky!)
- Storylines (Roomies!)
- Storylines (Shortpacked!)
- Sydney Yus
- T-Shirts
- Tanned foreigner
- Tarantuguns
- Tarantuship
- Taylor and Tyler
- Thad
- The Cheese
- Thief Dude
- Tom Chestnut
- Tome of the Ages
- Tony
- Travis Amir
- USS Charge
- USS Destiny
- Ultra Car
- Ultra Car: Obsticon Onslaught