Walkypedia Wiki

This is a rundown of all the major to-dos currently open on Walkypedia. If you want to help out, these would be a great place to start!

Pages That Need to be Created[]

  • There's a bunch of minor one-shot characters from the Walkyverse strips that still need to be written up, particularly for It's Walky! and Shortpacked!. JRGolden42 crunched through a lot of the Roomies! characters, but there's still a few here and there as well, like Mrs. Rosenthal.
  • The various cameo characters (particularly the Faans! crew, Ana Chronistic/Jen/Sue Aside).
  • Would be nice to get some coverage of the old Walkerton! computer games.
  • There's a small handful of Walkypedia 1.0 pages that still need to be ported.
  • Create a page for John's wife, Christi.
  • Create a page for Nash

Pages That Need a Walkyverse Content Update[]

A lot of pages ported over from Walkypedia 1.0 are pretty out of date and need a content update to cover more recent events.

Pages That Need DoA Content[]

Or rather, "DoA content beyond a copy-and-pasted bio".

Formatting Fixes[]

  • Updating any page without a character profile box to include one of these.
  • When Willis updated itswalky.com, it broke a lot of the old links to individual It's Walky! strips in various pages. These should be changed to link to the strips when they are uploaded on the new website, but until then they can be fixed by just changing the URL from itswalky.com to joyceandwalky.com.
  • The Page for Jason Chesterfield needs its links fixed.

look of the site[]

  • the background image doesn't even link anymore
  • the site looks horrificly ugly in monobook, there is actually no style at all.
  • For the default skin maybe change the theme colors to the DOA logo colors.